The Telegraph: The Kite Runner author Khaled Hosseini talks to refugees fleeing war-torn South Sudan
RUDAW: UNHCR’s South Korean Goodwill Ambassador tours Kurdistan Region camps
Kyunghyang: Bombing burns, bullet marks… The wounds of war in children’s bodies and minds
InStyle: UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Woo-Sung Jung in Iraq
Kyunghyang: UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Woo-Sung Jung in Iraq
First News: Help to Stand Tall, by Sir Chris Hoy
Unicef UK: Unicef UK Ambassador Sir Chris Hoy in Madagascar
Daily Record: Chris Hoy’s shock during Unicef visit in Madagascar
Unicef UK: Eddie Izzard, Unicef UK Ambassador
Europa Press: La dignidad humana se sobrepone a la barbarie entre los refugiados de Sudan del Sur
Forbes: Kristin Davis on women refugees becoming the boss
Metro: Yes, charity Izz worth it
ACNUR: Khaled Hosseini, el escritor de los refugiados afganos
UNHCR: Neil Gaiman appointed UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador
Newsweek: Author Neil Gaiman named UN goodwill ambassador
ABC News: Ben Stiller Shares Journey to Syrian Refugee Camp
The Huff. Post: “What traveling to Refugee Camps Taught Me” by Kristin Davis Ben Stiller in Jordan: “Nobody want to be a Refugee”