UNICEF USA: Madagascar: The Blue Gold Rush
Unicef UK: Ramla Ali, High Profile Supporter
Stylist Magazine: Ramla Ali “I was inspired by stories of hope”
GISD Alliance
Unicef Japan: Eddie Izzard in Djibouti
Metro: I didn’t understand the scale of the Syrian refugee crisis until I saw for myself
UNICEF Angola: Criança escolarizada, Naçao enriquecida
SwissInfo.ch: Croce Rossa, 11 mln a rischio morte per fame in Africa meridionale
The Guardian: ‘Ridiculously hard’: How Neil Gaiman wrote a poem for refugees from 1000 tweets
SBS News: Jung Woo-sung and UNHCR
UNICEF Italy: 2019, Un anno di immagini
UNHCR ACNUR Brasil: A jornada de Yusra Mardini em busca de segurança
UNHCR Belgique et Luxembourg: A 17 ans, Yusra Mardini nageait pour sauver sa vie.
El Perdiodico: Las niñas de hoy, lideresas del mañana
Global Partnership for Education: Early childhood education has a new massive open Online Course
Vice Magazine: UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Yusra Mardini in Sicily
With You Magazine by UNHCR Korea. Summer 2019
Book: If you could see what I have seen by Jung Woo-sung and UNHCR Korea
Save the Children: Meet Faisal, “I am a ninja!”