Evening Standard: Jamal Edwards tells leaders to take action on poverty after Kenya trip
El Pais. Planeta Futuro: La rebelion por el agua, la rebelion del hartazgo
El Pais. Planeta Futuro: Guetos de hojalata
The Guardian (Photos & Video): White South Africans’ move to black township draws praise and accusations
La Vanguardia online: La ciudad de los hombres caracol
La Presse: Centrafrique: Instabilite et crise humanitaire sous le nouveau regime
UNICEF: Responding to the urgent needs of children in Central African Republic
Kranten Niews: Open Toilets in South Africa
Sorted.Lite: Michael Sheen heads to Chad with UNICEF
UNICEF UK Online: Actor Michael Sheen in Chad with UNICEF
The Guardian: London 2012: Lesotho Olympic athletes welcomed in Wales – video
From The Guardian: London 2012: Lesotho Olympic athletes welcomed in Wales – video
First 1 minute and 20 seconds of the video, by Jordi Matas for The Guardian.