DRC: COVID-19 will trigger a “Crisis in a Crisis” for refugees and displaced persons
UNICEF Ireland: Covid-19 threatens lives of refugee and migrant children
Unicef UK: Support our work for children affected by Coronavirus
Unicef UK: Coronavirus, Be a part of the Solution
Habari za UN: Mradi wa wakimbizi kutengeza sabuni Za’atari…
UNICEF: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response: Donors and partners
British Red Cross: Zimbabwe: from food crisis to hope. JB Gill
UNHCR Canada Magazine: Yusra Mardini “I want to inspire refugees”
UNICEF Mexico: UNICEF presenta plan de respuesta humanitaria mundial a la pandemia del COVID-19
UNICEF USA: Madagascar: The Blue Gold Rush
Unicef UK: Ramla Ali, High Profile Supporter
Stylist Magazine: Ramla Ali “I was inspired by stories of hope”
GISD Alliance
Unicef Japan: Eddie Izzard in Djibouti
Metro: I didn’t understand the scale of the Syrian refugee crisis until I saw for myself
UNICEF Angola: Criança escolarizada, Naçao enriquecida
SwissInfo.ch: Croce Rossa, 11 mln a rischio morte per fame in Africa meridionale
The Guardian: ‘Ridiculously hard’: How Neil Gaiman wrote a poem for refugees from 1000 tweets
SBS News: Jung Woo-sung and UNHCR