The Guardian: ‘Ridiculously hard’: How Neil Gaiman wrote a poem for refugees from 1000 tweets
SBS News: Jung Woo-sung and UNHCR
UNHCR ACNUR Brasil: A jornada de Yusra Mardini em busca de segurança
UNHCR Belgique et Luxembourg: A 17 ans, Yusra Mardini nageait pour sauver sa vie.
El Perdiodico: Las niñas de hoy, lideresas del mañana
Vice Magazine: UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Yusra Mardini in Sicily
With You Magazine by UNHCR Korea. Summer 2019
Book: If you could see what I have seen by Jung Woo-sung and UNHCR Korea
Save the Children: Meet Faisal, “I am a ninja!”
Save the Children: Meet Hiba and Rama, sisters and activists
Cylchgrawn Golwg: Luke Evans. A phlant ffoaduriaid Syria
Harper’s Bazaar Arabia: This Teenage Syrian Refugee Just Made History. Yusra Mardini and UNHCR
UNHCR: Gender discrimination childhood statelessness
UNHCR: Urgent action needed to reform gender discriminatory nationality laws causing childhood statelessness
UNHCR Statement on Voluntary Repatriation to Myanmar
UNHCR South Korea: Newspaper clippings from UNHCR South Korea of Jung Woo-sung’s book launch
The Japan Times: MIYAVI is on a mission to change Japan’s tune on refugees
Newspeak South Korea: Jung Woo-sung book launch with UNHCR South Korea
Medium: What’s keeping Cate Blanchett awake at night?