UNHCR: Neil Gaiman & Georgina Chapman’s journey
BuzzFeed: Syrian Refugees Forced To Eat Cats And Dogs Before Fleeing Bloody Civil War
Brazilian News: Juiza ordena exame psiquiatrico para Pistorius
Index of Censorship: South Africa: From glory to uncomfortable glare
UNICEF UK: Michael Sheen: “Soccer Aid can change children’s lives”
El Magazine: Sudafrica, mas libre pero mas desigual
NRK: Jeg ber til Gud om at noen skal bygge et sykehus her
UNICEF: Answering big questions about schools in CAR
The Guardian: ANC’s glory fades in the townships
The Guardian: The born free generation: 20-year-olds in South Africa prepare for first vote
Video by Jordi Matas
Editing by Phil Maynard
For The Guardian at http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2014/apr/25/born-free-generation-20-year-olds-south-africa-video