The Herald Scotland: Cover Story: Ashley Jensen in Tanzania
The Observer: Pistorius family plead for end to media frenzy as trial begins
In Health Magazine: Child of War
The Guardian: Oscar Pistorius’s family plead for end to media frenzy as trial begins
El Pais: La iglesia que acoge a toda Africa
The Huffington Post: No child should born to die
El Pais: Una iglesia como una casa
Vogue: Karen Elson’s Life-Changing Journey to Sierra Leone with Save the Children
El Pais: La cara y la cruz de la lucha contra la mortalidad infantil
El Mundo: Nacer sin riesgos. Save the Children
Save the Children: 1 Millon de bebes muere cada ano en su primer dia de vida
The Huffington Post: 1 Million babies die on 1st day of their lives
OZY: Bringing the Heat: Julius Malema
Save the Children: 1 Million babies die globally on the 1st day of their life
UNICEF Suomi: Syrian ja Keski-Afrikan tapahtumat voisivat olla Suomesta
Fin24: Namibia expects more oil prospectors
UNICEF DRC: L’appel des enfants reporters du Katanga contre l’utilisation d’enfants soldats
The Telegraph: South Africa deploys CSI-style tactics to crack rhino poaching rings
The Telegraph TV: CSI- style tactics to crack rhino poaching rings in South Africa
Video by Jordi Matas
Reporting by Aislinn Laing
Edition by The Telegraph