La Vanguardia, SlideShow: El norte del pais africano sufre una sequia terrible
La Vanguardia: Namibia s’esquerda
The Washington Post. Africa: Drought hits Namibia
The Namibian: Severe
The Weather Channel: Two years of drought cripple Namibian desert
El Pais: La sequia amenaza con desatar el hambre en Namibia
The Vancouver Sun: Drought hits Namibia
WhioTV: Drought in Namibia
The Namibian Sun: Green scheme the answer to Kunene drought problems
IRIN: Severe drought taking heavy toll in northern Namibia
Edmonton Journal: Drought hits Namibia
AP: Rejuvenating rains don’t come to Namibian Desert
ReliefWeb: Severe drought taking heavy toll in northern Namibia
News24: Namibia parched
PresseAfrik: L’ONU, s’inquiete de la situation en Centrafrique
The Guardian: S’Manga Khumalo, the black jockey shaking up South African horse racing
Last month S’manga Khumalo became the first black jockey to win the Durban July, South Africa’s top horse race, on his steed Heavy Metal. He talks to David Smith about his path to success from humble beginnings in the KwaMashu township, and being a role model in a changing sport.
South Johannesburg, South Africa.
9th August 2013
Video by Jordi Matas
Production by David Smith and Richard Sprenger